Theme Config Guide
You can customize Kita theme by editing config.toml
Here are all the kita theme options:
# The Kita theme style config.
# Enable KaTex math formula support globally.
math = false
# Enable mermaid support globally.
mermaid = false
# Enable comment support globally.
comment = false
# The custom background color.
# bg_color = ""
# The custom background color in dark mode.
# bg_dark_color = ""
# Enable header blur.
# header_blur = true
# The custom header color, only available when `header_blur` is false.
# header_color = ""
# The custom header color in dark mode, only available when `header_blur` is false.
# header_dark_color = ""
# The profile on home page.
name = "Kita - Zola Theme"
bio = "Kita is a clean, elegant and simple blog theme for Zola."
# The URL of avatar.
avatar_url = "icons/github.svg"
# Invert color in dark mode.
avatar_invert = true
# The social icons below the profile on the home page.
name = "github"
url = ""
name = "twitter"
url = ""
name = "rss"
url = "$BASE_URL/atom.xml"
# The top menu.
name = "Projects"
url = "$BASE_URL/projects"
name = "Archive"
url = "$BASE_URL/archive"
name = "Tags"
url = "$BASE_URL/tags"
name = "About"
url = "$BASE_URL/about"
# The page footer options.
since = 2020
license = "CC BY-SA 4.0"
license_url = ""
# The giscus comment options, only available when comment is enabled.
repo = ""
repo_id = ""
category = ""
category_id = ""
mapping = "pathname"
strict = 1
reactions_enabled = 0
emit_metadata = 0
input_position = "top"
theme = "light"
lang = "en"
loading = "lazy"